You've been talking to an individual online who has shared multiple videos of the same juvenile female who he claims is his daughter. These videos show the suspect sexually assaulting her on multiple occasions. The suspect is away from home on work. Currently you are still in a conversation with this person and they do not have access to the girl, but will again in a couple days and has stated they intended to act again. You need to locate this person and direct the appropriate authorities to stop him from returning home and assaulting the victim.
livepic.jpg is a live image sent to you via Kik Messenger. We know this is our suspect.
The suspect has sent us an image of his surroundings which is buildings.jpg.
The suspect has also sent us a map image indicating where he is.
Now that you have figured out which city the suspect is in. We need to identify the restaurant the suspect is eating at the night before his flight in order to direct authorities there to arrest him. The suspect has told you he is eating Korean food. See koreanfood.jpg.